German Regis
German Regis
Oficina A11-2
Dpto. de Computación - FCEFQyN
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Ruta Nac. 36 Km. 601
5800 - Río Cuarto - Córdoba
+54 0358 - 4767235
I got my degree in Computer Sciences in 2005 at the Department of Computer Sciences at Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Currently I am a Phd. student at Department of Computer Science at Universidad de Buenos Aires.
I had a Phd Scolarship from CONICET (Argentina’s National Research Council)
I am head teaching assistant at Department of Computer Sciences at Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. In 2012 I will be working for the following courses:
* 1st semester : Introduction to Algorithms and Programming (Introducción a la Algorítmica y la Programación)
* 2nd semester : Computability and Complexity (Computabilidad y Complejidad)
As teaching assistant, from 2003 to present, I have participated in the following courses:
*Analysis of Paradigms and Languages (Análisis Comparativo de Lenguajes)
*Introduction to Algorithms and Programming (Introducción a la Algorítmica y la Programación)
*Advanced Programming (Programación Avanzada)
*Computability and Complexity (Computabilidad y Complejidad)
My main area of interest and current doctoral thesis topic, is the application of technical and logical-mathematical tools (formal methods) for the specification, design, analysis and verification of business processes.
*N. Aguirre, G. Regis, T. S. E. Maibaum, “Verifying Temporal Properties of CommUnity Designs”, IFM, pp. 1-20, 2007.
*N. Aguirre, M. F. Frias, P. Ponzio, B. J. Cardiff, J. P. Galeotti, G. Regis, “Towards Abstraction for DynAlloy Specifications”, ICFEM, pp. 207-225, 2008.
*G. Regis, N. Aguirre, T. S. E. Maibaum, “Specifying and Verifying Business Processes Using PPML”,
ICFEM, pp. 737-756, 2009.
Current research work
*Specifying and Verifying Declarative Fluent Temporal Logic Properties of Procedural Workflows:
files containing work details, experiments, etc.
tool for translating YAWL business process specification to FSP.